Welcome to the brief summary of my life.
I’m getting a little darker, my skin that is. But don’t worry about my face, I do use spf moisturizer.
We climbed up Devil's Saddle this morning to watch the sun rise. Google that. Yummy!
And on the way out of town, we made some friends with a man who owns a fish market and he had us try raw mussels with fresh lemon juice. You just slurp the raw meat right out of the shell. After the 4th I was beginning to not think it was so bad. :)
Boys still drool.
Did I ever tell you about the time I served in Cagliari and it was the bestest? Here I am to remind you: Cagliari is better than puppies and cupcakes with sprinkles on a spring morning at the beach.
Sunday evenings are always more fun than a barrel full of rainbow colored monkeys!
Thanksgiving. It's coming. Sister Hawkey and I are supposed to create a program for a ward activity. Look at this blank expression on my face foretelling how I think I might contribute to the production of this program. All I want to do is wear feathers in my hairs. Can someone help a sister missionary out here? Year 2010 I am wearing feathers in my hairs at TG.
Life is a garden. Dig it.
Speaking of a gay tour of Tuscany…
Hopes you are fan.stinking.tastic even more than you were 9 months ago. oh, hearts, I must leave you now.
uncontrollable laughters and improper english grammar,
*Please note this is clearly a mish mash of a variety of different letters.
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13 years ago
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