Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sassy Like Joan

I finally saw a few episodes of Mad Men last night (the first three to be precise). Pretty good! Handsome lead (I’d even say dreamy if he weren’t cheating on his wife), fantastic costumes and decent direction. Overall two thumbs way up! ;) The men, though!! Awful with a capital “D” for “Aren’t these guys a bunch of DICKS?” Some of the circumstances and lines had me gritting my teeth so hard I was afraid I’d shatter one of my molars!

Luckily I made it through with my teeth intact. My favorite scene? I’m really glad you asked… Towards the end of episode three Peggy complains to Joan about how predatory the men at the office are, and Joan responds by sarcastically asking, “Because men usually chase you down the street, right? You’re new; enjoy it while it lasts, honey.” Priceless! Someday (sooner rather than later) I will say this to some mousy girl. You can’t throw a stone nowadays without hitting one after all – you know the ones I mean: all the guys think are inexplicably hot, but anyone who has eyes knows they're mousy. Enjoy it while it lasts, honey. I can already tell your aging badly.

While searching the interweb for the quote above (yeah, I didn’t find it – mine is not entirely accurate) I found this one:

Roger: “Mr. Hooker has rearranged the secretaries in the pool alphabetically.”
Joan: “By cup size?”
Roger: “Well, I know where you'd be sitting.”

I was tickled pink by this!! I really, really like Joan. She’s hot (you know, actually hot), sassy, says things like they are and bosses people around. I wanna be just like her when I grow up…apart from the long term affair with her boss, secretary’s wages and the awfulness of what happens to her in season three. But, you know what I mean, right?

Also, amen to those in charge of such things for making a genuinely beautiful woman the hot girl on the show! It’s so lovely to see a woman with her dimensions on television who's talked about favorably (like, “Hey that actress is so hot!”). This just confirms what I’ve been saying and witnessing for years: Guys like hot women. Real ones.