A few weeks ago, I overheard a conversation that disturbed me greatly. A guy I know (not a friend and barely an acquaintance) informed a group of BYU interns (all women) that he could not understand why women were so emotional. His “logic” could not make heads nor tails of the “unbridled emotion” that women seem to display (another “point” he made was that the act of getting upset and showing one’s emotions was the direct result of never learning how to control them). This conversation (read: lecture) lasted roughly fifteen minutes, and the women he spoke to never stood up for their gender. Not once; unless you count, “Well, sometimes I cry and I don’t know why I’m upset.” Yeah. Thanks ladies. I so wanted to add my two cents with a skillfully worded scathing retort, but I didn’t. Mainly because that would have “proved his point”.
I have a few things to say on this subject (or rather to this dude):
1) First of all, women have different hormones than men. Did you know that boys? Those emotions that seem to be so despised by the opposite sex provide us with a sense of compassion, motherly instincts, the ability to bear children…etc. These “feelings” that we have are a part of us, and should be appreciated. (Never mind that a lot of men I’ve known were moodier than a teenage girl on her period.)
2) Boys who are raised in an lds community (with little interaction to the outside world) should be very careful when spouting off shit like that in front of other people. There are some women out there who aren’t going to take it.
3) In case you were wondering, this is why you don’t have a girlfriend.
4) I am a fairly logical woman (and that’s not an oxymoron) but I display my emotions, and you know what? I’m proud of them. I’m proud to be a human, not a robot.
5) You know those guys who walk around saying, “Every woman I’ve ever dated was completely insane”? That’s impossible, right? (Maybe they should stop frequenting the psych ward for all their dates.) It is infinitely more plausible that the majority of these women were pushed too far to the edge by some guy (specifically you). People can only take so much; sometimes women get tired of saying everything is fine when it’s not, and they get angry. Oops! Sorry for being a human being!
6) Someday you and I will have words, and on that day I’ll show you what unbridled emotion really looks like.
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13 years ago
I love how Layne had to hold me down from acting out my unbridled emotion all over that guy!
I'm glad I have emotions too; robotic humanoids freak me out, which is probably why I don't hangout with them. I'm more likely to hangout with a Roomba, at least they're useful, productive and they can't speak-which means no inane statements.
I love people who claim to worship at the altar of reason and logic when it's quite clear they don't because no one can or would really want to. To (badly) quote GK Chesteron, "The purely rational soldier would never fight and the purely rational man would never marry." I must be a closet Nietzschean because I say life is only fully lived in the sweet embrace of irrationality.
Hahaha...roomba...al I can think of is, "What do you expect mother? I'm half machine!!"
Thank you , thank you Collin! :)
who the fuck was that guy.
Meredith - HAHAHAHA!!!! Just sent you an email! :D
for the record: that profanity was sent in the most un-emotional way possible.
You know those guys who walk around saying, “Every woman I’ve ever dated was completely insane”? um, isn't it interesting how the common denominator there = those guys. but of course in their minds it's ALL WOMEN who are the problem, not ONE MAN who can change a few things about himself.
i love how you think / react!
Thanks Rachel!! Same to you!! ;D
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