This last week was rush at the college (translation: too many students turn Leah’s brain into mush and she begins to exhibit serious anger management issues). Long hours plus dumb students does not make me a happy girl. On three (possibly four) separate occasions my coworker Mark informed me (in all seriousness) that I had the patience of a saint. Either the situations I find myself in are worse than I imagine them to be, or I really am patient (not like a saint; that’s obviously an exaggeration). The Monday after rush always leaves me a little frazzled, however, and so today I have seriously contemplated decking at least six different students. I refrained; I’d like to keep my job.
I have been fortunate enough to have this exact conversation countless times today…or at least some variation:
Me: Has your account been activated this quarter?
Dumb ass student: (blank stare)
Me: Have you used any of your funds for this quarter?
DS: (blank stare)
Me: (okay…) Have I helped you before?
DS: I don’t know.
Me: (really?) Do you have your student id card?
DS: They haven’t given me one yet…
Me: You can get those in the library. Do you have any form of id with you?
DS: No. My wallet was stolen/I lost my wallet/I left it at home/I left it in the car… (take your pick)
Me: Do you have a copy of your schedule? (student hands me a copy of their syllabus) This isn’t your schedule, actually. I need to have some sort of proof you are who you say you are before I can activate your account.
DS: Can’t you just use this?
Me: No, I can’t.
DS: But I know my student id number…
Me: (I count to ten) I’m sorry; I have to see either your student id card, preferably, or your license.
DS: I have a student id card from (insert high school name here).
Me: I’m sorry, but I can’t use that.
DS: But, I’ve used it here before. I’m pretty sure you were the one who helped me, and you said it was okay.
Me: (oh, now you remember coming here?) I am fairly certain I wouldn’t have said that, however if I did I was mistaken. I can not process your account without the proper identification. I am sorry.
I worry about these kids. I really do.
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13 years ago
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