1. What is your favorite Christmas song? Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas sung by Judy Garland and White Christmas as sung by Bing Crosby.
2. When was your most memorable Christmas? I don’t think I have a specific memorable moment.
3. What is your favorite Christmas treat? Lefse – a Norwegian potato pancake.
4. What do you dislike most about the Christmas season? Overplayed holiday music. I get very Scrooge-like when I start to hear all the awful Christmas music out there. A little goes a long way people!
5. What do you like best about the Christmas season? Wool coats and Christmas lights. Especially the lights downtown – so pretty!
6. Who is the hardest person to shop for on your Christmas list? I don’t know about the hardest, but the most appreciative person on my list is Hannah (my little sister). She once squealed in delight not knowing what the present actual was, “I love it, I love it…what is it?”
7. If you could receive one gift without money being an issue, what would it be? A trip around the world.
8. What is your idea of a perfect Christmas Eve? Dinner with the family, present exchange and a movie (most likely seasonal). And watching the puppy open his presents. Completely adorable!
9. Which do you like best, eggnog, or hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate. Although I do like the occasional glass of eggnog.
10. Do you prefer a fancy Christmas tree, or one decorated by the kids? I like a combination of the two. Fancy glass ornaments with a sprinkling of some childhood favorites (especially the old metal ones and the feathery birds).
11. What is your favorite family Christmas tradition? Christmas Eve Dinner and early presents (mostly because Hannah gets too excited).
12. Do you like fruitcake? No. Except for the Italian fruitcake Pannetone, but it has to be fresh.
13. Do you prefer skiing or snowboarding? Can’t say I’ve tried either.
14. Are you dreaming of a White Christmas, or do you say “Bah Humbug” to snow? As long as I don’t have to go anywhere I’ll be dreaming of a pretty White Christmas.
15. What was your favorite gift from Santa when you were a child? I don’t know what my favorite present was, but the best gift I ever gave (or my favorite present experience) was a copy of Strange Brew to my dad years ago. As he opened the package, he started talking about the movie for whatever reason. I’ll never forget the look on his face when he finished the unwrapping; priceless. My second favorite Christmas present opening experience was when Hannah received a telescope; she started crying.
16. What is your favorite Christmas movie? I know it’s not a Christmas movie (although it does have a Christmas section), but I love to watch Meet Me in St. Louis.
17. Have you ever eaten snow? Nope.
18. Who do you wish could be with you this Christmas? Hmmm..
19. When do you put up your Christmas lights and decorations? Early to mid-December.
20. Real or artificial Christmas tree? I love the scent of real trees but I hate all the needles.
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13 years ago
YAY!! Somebody actually reads my blog & reciprocates!! :) maybe Meet Me in St. Louis can be wrangled for the 20th...
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