Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Maybe you had to be there...

CW: How many packages of Nerds do we have left?
Me: Don't judge me!!
CW: Well that answers my question.

RS: I like your hair...and your glasses.
Me: Thank you.
RS: You look really young; I'm guessing, like, 23.
Me: I'm not 23.
RS: How old are you?
Me: 30.
RS: (looks flabbergasted) No way!! You look really're like a unicorn that never ages.

*Please note "RS" stands for random student.

CW: And this is why we keep the killing scissors in the drawer!! If they were handy I'd have them sticking out of my neck right now.


Allen said...

I am totally usig that Unicorn line. That kid's a genius! A genius that will never get any love and affection from a woman abut a genius just the same :)