There is a reason they call it “Big Sky Country”. I spent five days in Montana, and by the end I was still marveling at the beautiful scenery! Pictures can not do this trip justice! I took some video with A LOT of unsteady camera holding (I apologize in advance) and a few pictures (by “few” I mean roughly 300…and Sarah took the same). There was much mocking (by us and Julie), and many humorous phrases were uttered. Some repeat offenders were:
“The plane was really small, Julie.” (A propeller plane with twenty rows…and on the way back an even smaller plane.)
"Do you have your card?" (Julie joked that this would be the title of our trip. I'm talking SD cards here; one for Sarah and one for me.)
“Watch out for that bag; there’s a staple gun in it.” (Not a repeated sentence but one of my favorites. Also, one of the first things Julie said to me in Montana. Oh Julie, how I missed you! :D)
“Well, obviously! We’re not stupid here in Montana!” (Dr. Moore – full story to come later.)
“Do not move the FRICKIN’ camera!” (Again, Dr. Moore.)
“Are you panning, Leah?! No panning!”
Dearest Meredith,
I promise, promise, promise a longer, more detailed, Montana post is coming! When I have a little more time I’ll recount it. :D
H & Ks,
Leah (your most favorite Pearce sister)
p.s. This momentarily gets me off the hook, right? No facial tattoos or crowbars to the kneecaps? ;)
Dearest Julie,
You are the bestest!!! Thank you for letting us come stay with you and showing us the sights in central Montana (tee hee)!!! I had a blast!!! I can’t wait for you to come back!
H & Ks,
p.s. I’m sorry about your poor little finger!!! :D
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13 years ago
I will accept bribes in gelato form.
Or else?? ;) I think I can handle that.
Where's the longer blog post? It has been 5 days since you promised.
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