We’re trekking over to Montana in a few weeks to visit Julie (Hi Julie!), and I decided to google the town (pictures etc) for a little sneak peek. I discovered that Lewistown is pretty cute!
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
A few of our planned adventures include:
Floating down the river.
Fly fishing.
Probably watching a few episodes of Psych.
Going to church (still a little grumpy about this. I'm only agreeing to Sacrament meeting ;D).
Going out to dinner.
Meeting people I've been hearing so much about.
Taking lots of pictures (I'm even going to bring my really, really nice camera)!
Giggling (yes, this is a planned "adventure").
A few things I've learned about Lewistown from Julie:
They only have one grocery store (Albertsons)and their milk is really expensive (and expires quickly).
There is a statistical possibility that I'll either have a baby or an appendectomy while I'm there.
Someone might ask me/assume I am pregnant.
They have a great Gelato shop. Interesting, yes? The population is just over 5000.
A few things I want to do while there:
Shear a sheep (yes, shear a sheep).
See a cute cowboy (just to look at...I don't need to touch one).
Try on Cowboy boots (er, cowgirl boots).
Shock some Lewistownians by wearing a bikini while floating down the river.
Bar hopping (haha) in Lewistown or Billings (oh we're gonna get our dance on...yeah).
Reenact this photograph:
(Julie, do you know where we can find a horse and a gun?)
And (last but not least) locate and high five the creator of this sign:
Montana here we come! :D
New blogs
13 years ago
Oh my goodness I’m SO excited.
Well, I’ve already had an appendectomy, so baby time here we come! We should just tell people we’re pregnant; I might invest in an artificial belly (a la Baby Mama) and wash down my Twinkies with some Red Bull and Coke…gross. [Bitch, I don’t know your life!]
I don’t know about you, but I plan on shocking the town by floating down the river nude…much more shocking than in a bikini and better tan lines too. ;D
I like how you only want to see a cute cowboy…none of that messy human contact for you-huh?
Oh, and faux western style picture taking (of the vintage variety) will be a must on this vacation. Do you think Julie can get her hands on some chaps?
Two weeks until we have fun Montana adventures!!! Yay!!! :D
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I’m not going out dancing with you if you wear an artificial baby bump. You think about that. :D
I didn’t think about the tan lines; good call! Something to keep in mind…
I like human contact plenty (obviously). I can’t respond to this in a public forum. ;)
WESTERN STYLE PICTURES? CHAPS??? Holy shit…I didn’t even think of that!!!! Awesome.
(You don’t think Julie would rescind her invitation, right? :D)
No, she loves us!!! She thinks we're crazy, but it's still love!
I love this post. I hope it was as much fun as you planned. I want to hear all about it soon. :D
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