Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sunday - the good, the bad and the ugly

7:30 a.m. Realize that the new time change is increasing my inactivity. Bridgette's talk is the only thing getting me to church.

8:45 a.m. Conversation with Sarah

Leah: Let's leave right after Sacrament, no stopping to talk.
Sarah: Got it.
Leah: We could leave during the closing hymn?
Sarah: That's not awkward or anything; we wear high heels.
Leah: I'll take off my shoes!
Sarah: No.
Leah: Fine.

9:10 a.m. I guess guilt trips don't work on me. Huh.

9:15 a.m. Nope, still don't feel guilty.

9:20 a.m. - 10:05 a.m. Apparently I haven't changed much in the last twenty years. I'm still the same giggly girl who couldn't keep it together for mass.

I do nothing except relax/sleep for a few hours

4:30 p.m. Phone conversation with Cher

Leah: Did you get it?
Cher: It's totally cute.
Leah: It looks like underwear. But that's good 'cause I look good in underwear.
Cher: It does look like underwear. They should make more bikinis that are cut that way.
Leah: I know. Sarah thinks it looks like leather underwear.
Cher: You could probably find something cuter.

A few moments pass

Leah: I've decided to become a bad girl.
Cher: Uh oh. Why?
Leah: Because.
Cher: In what way?
Leah: In all ways.
Cher: Oh dear...
Leah: How should I start?

4:55 p.m. Abandon "bad girl" persona for two reasons; 1) Pure laziness - it's too much work, and 2) I decide to go to the fireside.


- Stay for the dinner AND the fireside. I'm so proud of myself at this point.
- Still have bad luck. Really? Really?
- Revisit the bad girl idea.
- Wonder how girls can be so manipulative and why boys can be so stupid?
- Am reminded (for the upteenth time) that good looks, brains and boobs matter very little to LDS men. Wonder (again) what does matter... besides mediocrity?
- Why do all single firesides have to harp on the "single" thing. Can we lay off already??


Elisa said...

What item of clothing are you describing? Hot pants?

Leah said...

A bikini. I decided against its purchase. ;)

Elisa said...

Ohhhhh. That makes a lot more sense than what I was picturing. Have you tried Victoria's Secret? They have AWESOME bikini tops that don't fall off. You can order them in your bra size even!!