Monday, December 21, 2009

I don't give a damn about my bad reputation

Apparently I have a bad reputation. Some of my friends have recently been "warned" about Sarah and I because apparently we are a couple of "bad" "party" girls with serious "modesty issues". This amuses me greatly (and also hurts my feelings, but that's another issue); I've always been a bookworm who preferred staying at home to going out, but about a year ago decided that I was so sick of being treated like a second class citizen by all the LDS guys I know and I wanted to have a little fun for once. After ten years in the singles wards I've realized something: people are weak. Women play mindless games to attract attention from boy/men who see themselves as gods. When I was twelve years old I decided I would never dumb myself down for a guy, and I haven't. Of course that is ultimately why I am unmarried, but I would rather be single for eternity than stuck playing the fool. I'm proud of the woman I have become. I'm beautiful, intelligent, kind, witty and stacked and if this intimidates you that's your problem. As my guy friend says, "People are always afraid of girls with a rack". Crude, but true.

So, go ahead and tell my friends I'm gonna lure them down the wrong path, tell people I'm a slut who picks up guys at clubs. Say any damn thing you want, spread all the rumors you like, but we all know where that hostility originated. I'm sure all the lemmings will believe anything you say, they can't think for themselves after all. And if you're reading this and thinking, "Well, you shouldn't project that image if you don't want people to view you that way", get your head out of your ass.


Elisa said...

SERIOUSLY? I wish some people would mind their own business.

Leah said...

Seriously. People are crazy!

Allen said...

Of all the aspects of Mormondom that always seem to fascinate me their treatment and understanding of womanhood is definately right up there. A woman is to know her place and play her role without ever doing things for herself. It's all just so frustrating, and I'm a guy.

The way I see it just because a woman owns her sexuality (and make no mistake about it you and Sarah OWN your sexuality) it doesn't mean she uses it or is being immoral. It simply means she knows who she is and has the confidence to embrace it. I for one am proud of your attitude and your personalities. You shine like a pillar of light as someone who can be a sexy and saintly.

I know it's been said to death but jealousy is an annoying and unfortunate side effect of being ugly. And that's just unfortunate because you ladies are awesome both inside and out.

Life's Art said...

I don't know you Allen, but thank you, I couldn't have said it better myself.